Art of Problem Solving
Course Catalog

Summer Camps

Display of three Beast Academy math comic-book-style textbooks for elementary school
Elementary School

Math Camps for Levels 2–5

Lower level math camps at AoPS Academy hone students’ foundational number- and geometric-sense, as well as elevate their creative problem solving abilities.

Middle and High School

Math Camps for Levels 6–12

Upper level math camps at AoPS Academy provide students with the practice necessary to stay sharp in between school years, and offer students a unique opportunity to explore topics not traditionally featured in pre-collegiate settings.

AoPS Middle School or High School student solves problem using equations on whiteboard
Animated graphic of a story scene from AoPS Language Arts Level 2 curriculum
Elementary School

Writing Camps for Grade Levels 2–5

Lower level writing camps at AoPS Academy develop students’ foundational writing, reading, and critical thinking skills through fun and challenging coursework that will set them up for success in the next academic year.

Middle and High School

Writing Camps for Levels 6–12

Upper level writing camps at AoPS Academy introduce students to topics and communication problems they will not encounter in school, distinguishing their writing and public speaking skills.

Photo of an ancient vase from a fictional society researched by students in AoPS Academy's Mythology summer camp
Photo display of two chapters from Beast Academy / AoPS Science curriculum

Science Camps at AoPS Academy

Our STEM Camps are for students grades 3-7. Our classes have an average of 8 students per class. For Elementary School STEM Camps, view our courses in our STEM Camp 3-5 series.

Request Information

Contact us today to learn more or enroll in our program.